About C9

Make your dream wedding in the beautiful, historic and scenic surrounds of Italy, the bel paese, come true.
Specialising in weddings for foreigners with an extended network of reliable and world-class vendors and endless breathtaking, charming and enchanting locations, leave it all to us to create your dream Italian wedding so you can focus on just living the dream. ​
With a focus on this niche of the market and with experience that demonstrates our exception wedding planning services that few others can offer, when it comes to Italian wedding for non-Italians, Cloud 9 is the only solution.
Elen Lang
"For me, weddings are everything. Whether big or small, every little detail comes together to create the most beautiful ambience in which two people devote and express their eternal love. ​
"I simply love weddings and I am in love with Italy, so being the person to help create the most amazing wedding days in the most beautiful country in the world is not a job, it is an absolute pleasure and I love every thing about it; the search for the right location, getting the table designs perfect, choosing the right flower arrangements, sure there are challenges but when it all comes together this is when ideas become reality, this is when dreams become true. ​
"With years of experience working around the world, I now help bring Italy to the world and, more precisely, to lovers from abroad who are looking to create their dream wedding in the country known as the bel paese, the beautiful country"